VVF Solutions Inc.
Your Information Technology Specialists

Phone: 631-517-0841
Email: info@vvfsolutions.com

Database Development/Tuning

This is an area where some people get over the heads. Your business database is the heart of your network, it contains vital information from pre-sales to billing. Many times it's not designed for its current use or it's simply an outdated version that's no long supported.

We have vast experience designing, developing, supporting and optimizing databases. We also provide business intelligence services to make the most of your companies data. We work with MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle and many others on a daily basis.

When designing a new system or upgrading an old one, we can suggest a path for you to take based on your business goals. We have designed databases with millions of records be used by hundreds of simultaneous users with a 100% success rate.

Not sure which services or technology are right for your business?
Call 631-517-0841 to speak to us about your needs and we'll recommend a cost effect solution!

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